Blog posts, news articles, and other resources from The Center • A Place of HOPE
Introduction Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition triggered by experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event. It affects millions worldwide, including individuals exposed to combat, natural disasters, serious accidents, or personal assaults. While trauma is a part of life, PTSD develops when the mind struggles to process and...
Quality sleep is essential for healing from PTSD and trauma. Discover the critical role sleep plays in emotional processing, memory consolidation, and overall recovery, and learn strategies to improve sleep for better mental health outcomes.
Do you ever have nightmares about the pandemic? Or do intrusive thoughts or memories pop up that make it difficult to function? Have you been having difficulty concentrating in the past few years? If so, you may be dealing with pandemic-related post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Several years into the pandemic,...
Supporting someone with PTSD requires patience, understanding, and the right approach. Learn how to recognize symptoms, offer meaningful support, and encourage healing while respecting their boundaries and journey toward recovery.
PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) is a condition that can develop after exposure to an extremely threatening or horrific event or series of events. Many people associate PTSD with combat situations and the experiences of military veterans. However, many people suffer from PTSD due to a range of events, so...
In this article, we will be looking at trauma in detail – what it is, how it happens, the impact of trauma on individuals, and who is at risk. Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD) will be explained in an easy to understand way, with a description of how it...
A person suffering from anxiety spends most of his or her time either remembering some frightening event that’s long gone, or imagining ones yet to come. In other words, their minds habitually gravitate to the past and the future, but rarely give any thought to what is happening right here,...
The truth is that anxiety has many sources, can accompany many disorders (such as PTSD), and can wear many faces. Let’s look at the different ways anxiety can present itself in your life. The descriptions below are offered in the spirit of “knowledge is power.” The more you know about...
Part I of a Six-part Trauma Series. Trigger warning: This is a difficult topic. Some examples of traumas will be alluded to without details in order to set a scene for clarity and relatability. _____________ “What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I just snap out of it? It’s been almost...
A number of our clients come to The Center with chronic pain that has persisted for years. This is often referred to as Fibromyalgia. The client has tried pain medications, diets, stretching, physical therapy, massages, and more. Nothing has seemed to work. But after we begin treatment using the whole...
It’s springtime. The weather has turned and the sense of renewal is in the air. Beautiful flowers, tree buds, mowed lawns all signal the rejuvenation of flora and fawna. You may be experiencing the sensation of renewal as well. Longer days mean more outdoor activities, more engagement with others, and...
Did you ever play with wind-up toys as a kid? Remember how if you wound the toy too far, it broke? Well, you are the wind-up toy. You are the wind-up toy, and anxiety keeps winding and winding you up. At some point, anxiety could over-wind you, so you’ll break....
To help you identify your patterns of worry and what activities or thoughts they are most associated with, you need to answer the following questions. Take your time to answer these questions and rally think about your answers.
Posttraumatic stress syndrome (PTSD) can result from any traumatic event in which a person comes to harm or believes harm will happen. The harm can be to that person or to someone they know. Witnessing a traumatic event involving a stranger can also cause PTSD. The shock of the event...
Introduction Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a serious mental health condition triggered by traumatic experiences. One of the most distressing symptoms of PTSD is experiencing flashbacks—sudden, vivid recollections of a traumatic event that make individuals feel as if they are reliving the experience. While PTSD flashbacks can be overwhelming, understanding...
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The whole person approach to treatment integrates all aspects of a person’s life: