Blog posts, news articles, and other resources from The Center • A Place of HOPE
One of the most immediately recognizable physical symptoms of stress is stomach troubles. When you’re feeling very scared or nervous, you might have a stomachache or even feel nauseous. But what, exactly, is the connection between digestive issues and stress, and how can you soothe your stomach when it’s acting...
What you eat can impact how you feel. Explore the connection between nutrition and depression, learn which foods support mental well-being, and discover how a balanced diet can help improve mood and overall emotional health.
Everything you have tried up to this point has not worked when it comes to losing weight permanently. Diets have not worked, powders have not worked, diet pills have not worked, and obsessively exercising has not worked. Every method of weight loss has been flawed. Each has promised you something...
Introduction Supplements can play a vital role in managing depression, offering natural support alongside traditional treatments. In this article, Therese Borchard shares her personal experience with supplements for depression, highlighting products that have helped stabilize her mood. We also discuss the supplements recommended by The Center • A Place of...
Fat. Really? Isn't fat supposed to be bad for me? Well, fat – healthy, natural forms of fat – has made a comeback. Natural fats offer powerful benefits to your body — and your brain. Your brain is comprised of about 60 percent fat. Billions of cells rely of fat...
To operate optimally, the brain needs a consistent supply of nutrients to maintain its health and functionality. But certain nutrients support the brain's structure more than others. These nutrients are powerful supporting elements for the brain: omega-3 fats, B-Complex vitamins, magnesium, vitamin E, and potassium. There are certainly others, and...
Few things are as frightening as losing control, feeling powerless against overwhelming forces. When overcome by events, we can feel swept up on relentless waves of circumstance that hurl us toward terrifying heights and bone-jarring lows. Each event is made worse if we have tried to stop it and been...
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The whole person approach to treatment integrates all aspects of a person’s life: