We can take your call Monday to Friday 8 am to 5 pm PT. Outside of these hours leave a voicemail or complete our form.
With 40 years of leadership in mental and behavioral health, The Center • A Place of HOPE is a Top Ten Facility for Depression Treatment. Our caring and experienced staff provide professional excellence in the treatment for depression, anxiety, eating disorders, trauma, addiction, abusive relationships and more.
Our vision is to be A Place of HOPE, providing inspired healthcare for restoring balance to the body, mind, and spirit.
Taking the first step toward healing is easier than you think. Our kind and understanding team is here to guide you every step of the way—just give us a call between 8 AM and 5 PM PT, and let’s start your journey to hope together. If you are calling outside of these hours, please leave us a voicemail and we will call you back as soon as possible.
Speak with a compassionate Admissions Specialist who will listen to your story, answer your questions, and help explore treatment options.
Complete an assessment with one of our specialists to understand your needs and identify the best program for you.
Work with us to create a treatment plan, navigate scheduling, and review insurance or financing options, including CareCredit.
Arrive at The Center • A Place of HOPE and experience a warm, caring environment designed to help you heal and thrive.
Select “Myself” if you’re seeking treatment or “A Friend or Family Member” if you’re inquiring for someone else. Complete the short form that appears, and our admissions team will call you back at your preferred time to discuss treatment options and answer any questions.
Your treatment is centered on the proven whole person care approach to recovery. Your program, and your care team, is crafted specifically for your unique needs.
We work with most major insurance providers and have financing options available. Call us today at 888.851.7031 to learn more.
Insurance Coverage The Center • A Place of HOPE works with most major insurance providers, which typically cover most treatment program costs. Here are some of the providers we partner with. Further information on insurance coverage can be found here.
Private Pay Options We offer flexible private pay plans for those without insurance coverage or who prefer to pay directly.
Financing Through CareCredit For additional payment flexibility, The Center partners with CareCredit, a leading healthcare financing organization. To apply:
For more information about financing options, please visit the CareCredit website or speak to our admissions team, who can explain the various options.
Explore our range of Mental Health Tests and take the first step towards understanding your emotional well-being. Our interactive, multiple-choice quizzes are designed to provide you with insights into various aspects of mental health. Start your journey to clarity and self-awareness today!
The Center • A Place of HOPE is a Preferred Provider in the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation Patient Care Network.
The whole person approach to treatment integrates all aspects of a person’s life: